Google Shopping for Free

Google Shopping for Free

Google Shopping for Free James Hollands Director at Trust Digital Ltd. Google Shopping is now free Google has announced as of April 27th that Google Shopping in the US is now free, and this will roll out globally by the end of the year.  This is a big announcement as...
Maximising Conversion Value

Maximising Conversion Value

Maximising Conversion Value James Hollands Director at Trust Digital Ltd. If you didn’t know already there is a new smart bidding strategy.  There are many different ways to optimise a Google Adwords campaign including optimised for conversions.  Well now, after a...
Average Position Sunsetting

Average Position Sunsetting

Average Position Sunsetting James Hollands Director at Trust Digital Ltd. Ever since I started with Google Adwords back in 2003 we have had the simple metric which measures your average position on a search page.  Average Position (Ave. Pos.) has been a trusty friend...